速報APP / 工具 / Bluetooth In Car

Bluetooth In Car





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Zum Erlengrund 8 13587 Berlin Germany

Bluetooth In Car(圖1)-速報App

Your car equipped with Hands-Free Bluetooth functionality?

You are annoyed about activating/deactivating your mobile Bluetooth manually for every ride?

Are you missing sometimes calls in car because forgotten to turn Bluetooth on before your journey?

This app is solution for your problems!

- Automatically activate Bluetooth as soon as car movement detected

- Turn Bluetooth on by incoming calls

- Turn Bluetooth off if no connections detected or disconnected

Bluetooth In Car(圖2)-速報App

- Plays ringtones when switching Bluetooth

- No Internet connection required

- GPS not needed

- Very easy to use and configurable via Settings

Requirement: Before use this app pair your mobile with car’s Hands-Free Bluetooth equipment first. This must be done only once.

This is FULL version.

Please test the LITE version first before purchasing the FULL version.

Bluetooth In Car(圖3)-速報App

Uninstall the LITE version after purchasing the FULL version.